Sunday, 25 November 2012

Drowning Coral

To start, watch this... This made me laugh; it will make you laugh too. I am glad Obama won.

So Sea Level Rise (SLR) (or as those fine republican members like to say "recurrent flooding") is another anthropogenic impact that is giving our coral reefs a real test.

This short video below, gives you an idea of the projections for SLR, what has happened so far and how this relates to the projection. It highlights that we are on course for an 80cm rise by 2100. This is concerning and indicates that the projections may be underestimating what will most likely happen.

There are two ways that SLR has and will continue to have an impact on coral reef communities. But first (oh the suspense...), a paper by Nybakken (1993) sets out the basic needs for a coral reef to remain active. Naturally, the most essential requirement is LIGHT. The ability of coral to capture light is dependent on the turbidity of the water column and water depth. If corals cannot harness enough light then their growth ceases with the end result being death. This would be due to reduced photosynthesis by the zooxanthallae, and reduced oxygen production which impedes the coral metabolism thereby limiting calcium carbonate deposition and therefore growth. Nybakken (1993) highlights that corals at a particular water depth need a light intensity that is at least 1-2% of the intensity at the ocean surface. With SLR occurring, the light intensities are being weakened, and as such, reefs cannot and will not be able to keep up with rates of SLR, especially those coral species that exist at the water depth limit of coral growth (70m bsl).

The two ways:

1) SLR in isolation

Hoegh-Guldberg (1999) critically highlights that deep water species under dramatically reduced light intensities at their physiological depth limit will no longer be able to maintain growth and it is projected that they will become extinct. Further, slow growing corals are becoming increasingly vulnerable as they will be out run by SLR, leading to their demise. Grigg et al. (2002) corroborates these former consequences and brings your attention to the fact that coral species are will be significantly impacted under a moderate SLR projection.

However, I have found one source that states that SLR in isolation will have little, if no impact whatsoever. This information is from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA). The GBRMPA states that the coral species there can acclimatise to SLR of 3mm per year as coral growth is two fold. For the GBR, this is likely to be true as the majority of reefs are extremely shallow and so the projected increase of +0.68 to 0.9m by 2100 would have little impact on reducing light intensities. Therefore, the impact of SLR in isolation is wholly dependent on the initial depth of the coral species. For species in shallower waters, other factors play a major part.

2) SLR in tandem with other environmental stresses.

Hoegh-Guldberg (1999) states that other stresses such as OA and coral bleaching will exacerbate the impact of SLR, making coral species that were previously unlikely to be effected, effected. The ability of the reefs to keep up with SLR will be drastically reduced. In a paper by Graus (1998), the model simulation illustrated that under a combination of stresses, coral reefs in the Caribbean will be unable to keep pace with projected SLR rates.

It seems that the stress of SLR is more specific than general whereas other stresses are the opposite...

Stay tuned,



Graus, R.R. and Macintyre I.G., 1998, Global warming and the future of Caribbean coral reefs: Carbonates and Evaporites, vol. 13, no. 1, p. 43-47.

Monday, 19 November 2012

The Acidic Devil

Continuing from my last post, this entry will deal with the impact of Ocean Acidification (OA) on coral reefs. But first, how are OA and climate change related and what is the process behind it?

Here are some worrying facts from Hoegh-Guldberg

  • The concentration of CO2 now exceeds 390 ppm
  • 25% of anthropoenic CO2 emissions currently enter the ocean
  • Seawater carbonate concentrations have reduced by ∼30 μmol kg–1 seawater  
  • The ocean has become more acidic by 0.1 pH unit 
  • Since 1900 the average ocean temperature has increased by 0.74°C

This image from Hoegh-Guldberg et al. (2007) clearly indicates the relationship of CO2 and pH (through the carbonate on the left hand side). Therefore as CO2 concentration in the atmosphere increases, the pH decreases becoming more acidic as indicated by the decrease in carbonate concentration. 

How does this process work? 

Well, from the equation, it is not too difficult to follow. As CO2 is highly soluble in seawater, it reacts to form an intermediary state of carbonic acid. The carbonic acid then dissociates to bicarbonate (HCO3-), carbonate (CO32-) and hydrogen (H+) ions. With increasing CO2 concentrations and subsequent increased dissolved CO2, it results in more H+ ions being buffered by carbonate and consequently, there is a reduced availability of carbonate ions to combine with calcium ions. Crucially, this inhibits the process of calcification and therefore reduces the ability of marine calcifiers, such as coral to build.

The Calcium Carbonate Saturation State (Ω)

This saturation state is highly variable but is greatest in the tropics. Calcium carbonate is deposited by organisms as calcite, aragonite or high magnesium calcite. The crystalline form we are interested in as aragonite as aragonite is incorporated into corals' skeletal growth (Coles, 2008). Therefore the aragonite saturation state is a significant limiting factor in the ability of coral to maintain its structure. 

Coral Response to Reduced Calcification as a Result of Reduced Aragonite

Hoegh-Guldberg et al. (2007) highlights three possible responses:
1. Reduced linear extension and skeletal density of corals.
2. Physical extension or growth rate will be maintained but at the cost of skeletal density. 
3. Maintain their skeletal growth and density by investing more energy in calcification.
These responses do come at a cost as they promote side effects that affect the ability of coral reefs to perform some of their benefits. Please read this paper for more information. 
Future Projections
For ease of viewing I have decided to tabulate the future projections that I have found. Furthermore, it will give you the key elements of information to be able to understand the impacts of OA. Please note that the first three scenarios do not take into account physiological acclimation or evolutionary mechanisms that could alter the arrival of these scenarios. The bottom two scenarios are from a paper by Orr et al. (2005) that focuses on colder environments. 
Projection Limitations
A paper by Pandolfi et al. (2011) highlights that these future projections are complicated by physical acclimation and the role of evolution in terms of phenotypic plasticity. Furthermore, the paper states that there is insufficient knowledge surrounding the impact of OA on other environmental variables. Whilst projections are useful, Pandolfi et al. (2011) argue that a more well rounded approach be adopted that includes all issues. Please have a further read as this truly is interesting!
I hope this has given you an idea of OA and what  the future holds!
Stay tuned, 

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Bleaching Biodiversity

Life's Essentials

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and water are essential for life's processes. Without these basic components, the formation of organic matter through photosynthesis would not be achievable. However, too much of life's essentials, namely CO2, can cause major concerns for our planet; this is specifically the greenhouse effect, highlighted by CO2 concentrations observed at the Mauna Loa observatory (Figure 1). 

Figure 1. CO2 concentrations up to 2005 (source: IPCC, 2007).

The IPCC 2007 report indicated that whilst the earth's atmosphere has warmed by 1°C since 1850, the majority of this warming has taken place over the last decade (Figure 2). 

Figure 2. Global average temperatures from 1850 to 2000 (source: IPCC, 2007).

Numerous IPCC models have been developed to estimate future global atmospheric warming that may result from possible CO2 concentrations by 2100. Figure 3 highlights the projected changes in atmospheric global temperature ranging from 2 to 4°C greater than the  Year 2000 constant projection. 

Figure 3. Predicted surface warming up to 2100 (source: IPCC, 2007).

These observed and projected increases in CO2 concentrations are very important in relation to earth's ocean system. For example, the global atmospheric warming since 1850 has translated into 0.5°C rise in ocean temperature with pH reducing by 0.1 to present average of approximately 8.1 (Coles, 2008). These values may seem small and therefore unimportant, but they can have a significant impact on areas dominated by coral reef systems, especially in the tropics (Coles, 2008).

Coral Bleaching

The primary concern for coral reef systems in terms of increasing temperature is the link to coral bleaching and the prediction of increased frequency and severity of bleaching events. I am sure that those of you reading this are familiar with coral bleaching after viewing Kate's blog entry entitled 'Coral Bleaching - Expelling Biodiversity', however I hope I can add on from this and convey its importance.

Over the last 20 years the awareness of coral bleaching has increased significantly due to the increasing prevalence of bleaching events. According to Coles and Brown (2003), bleaching has naturally taken place on coral reefs for an inordinate amount of time and was initially described in the 1920s during an expedition to the Australian Great Barrier Reef. From 1970 onwards, the underlying understanding of the processes and thresholds behind coral bleaching have improved markedly. From this improvement, two fundamental concepts were derived:

  • The first being that bleaching results from the 'combined and synergistic effects of elevated light and temperature impacting the coral-algal symbiotic association' and;
  • The second being that 'threshold temperatures leading to coral bleaching are not fixed limits, but rather closely tied to the ambient annual maximum temperature normally occurring in the local environment of the coral'. 

The process behind the first concept is relatively straightforward. The majority of coral species have a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae that live within corals' tissue. The zooxanthellae provide corals with their rainbow colours as well as up to 90% of the energy they require to survive, grow and reproduce. However, coral bleaching occurs predominately due to elevated sea temperatures and also high solar irradiance (Brown, 1997). As a result, this causes the dissociation of the symbionts resulting in the coral turning white in colour (Figure 4). The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) states that if elevated sea temperatures persist longer than eight weeks, coral start to decay and die. 

Figure 4. Health distinctions for coral (source: GBRMPA)

Coles (2008) highlights that the second concept was based on the comparison of results from corals in Hawaii where the ambient temperature is 27°C and those from a mid-Pacific atoll where the annual maximum is 29°C. The coral populations of both areas are subject to exposure of temperatures close (1°C to 2°C) to their upper limit during the summer months. This concept has been repeatedly reaffirmed by bleaching episodes such as those in The Arabian Gulf in 1998 (Coles, 1983). Importantly, the range of this threshold highlights the future of coral with relation to thermal stress. With the range being relatively large, it highlights the ability of coral to acclimatise and adapt to ensure the maintenance of the symbiotic relationship with zooxanthallae (Coles, 2008). However, change may be too great, too fast and adaptation may fail (Hey et al., 2002). 

 A Brief Case Study: The Great Barrier Reef from The GBRMPA

The Great Barrier Reef has experienced vast bleaching episodes in the past. There have been two instances relatively recently in 1998 and 2002 that have had a severe impact. The 1998 episode was part of a global mass bleaching where approximately 50% of the reefs on Great Barrier Reef suffered bleaching. This was due to increased sea level temperatures. In fact they were the highest ever recorded according to the GBRMPA. As a consequence of the bleaching, 5% of the coral reefs were classed as severely damaged. Moreover, the bleaching event in 2002 saw 60% of reefs affected giving it the title of largest coral bleaching episode in history. The cause behind this was two periods of extended hot weather resulting in elevated SSTs that were greater than the long term summer maxima thereby exceeding the temperature threshold (concept 2). Here too, 5% of coral reefs were classed as severely damaged. 

I appreciate this is a lot of information but I hope you now understand a little more about coral bleaching and its impact.

Stay tuned,



Brown, B. (1997), ‘Coral Bleaching: Causes and Consequences’, Coral Reefs, 16, 5, 129-38

For all Coles references please view the Coles (2008) hyperlink.

Hay, J. E. (2002), Climate variability and change and sea level rise in the Pacific Islands region: A resource book for policy and decision makers, educators and other stakeholders, Tokyo, Japan: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and Japan Ministry of the Environment.

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Climate Crimes

Hey guys,

It has come to my attention that I haven't written a post in a while (I have been a busy man) and so the plan is to catch up and post a few over the next week or so. 

The next series of posts will revolve around the impacts of climate change on coral. The following topics will be discussed:
  • Coral biology
  • Sea temperature and bleaching
  • Ocean acidification
  • Sea level rise
  • Storms and rainfall
  • Coral disease     
Here is a video explaining climate change. This is basic but worth a watch. Simple. Further, I recommend these TED talks as they are, on the whole, informative. You can view a few on this blog on the right hand side of the screen!

Stay tuned,
